Search Results
Maajid Nawaz Reveals How ISIS Was Created
Nawaz Discusses What Fuels Global Jihadism
Maajid Nawaz on the Misguided Nature of the War on Terror
Maajid Nawaz on Islam, Identity and Political Agendas | Peter McCormack
Jordan Peterson - The origin of ideology Maajid Nawaz !!
Islamist ideology should be challenged the same way as homophobia, racism: Maajid Nawaz
A War Against Truth with Maajid Nawaz (WiM329)
“If we don’t talk about extremimsm, the only alternative is violence." | Former extremists
Ayaan Hirsi Ali, Maajid Nawaz, Feisal Abdul Rauf - "Islam: A Religion of Violence Or Peace?"
Mikhaila Peterson Reacts to Assim Alhakeem
AJC Global Forum: Maajid Nawaz
Maajid Nawaz - "Far-right terrorism is the fastest growing threat in the West" - CNN